Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Raising the Vibration

 Yesterday was January 11, 2011.  1.11.11.  If you are a fan of my SouL Musings Facebook page, you may have seen the following post (which I copied and pasted from a friend - can’t take credit for it):
Mother Earth needs our help....On 1/11/11 at 11:11 am your local time, we are organizing a global wave of love. All you have to do is get into the feeling of love and tone the AH sound 11 times. Let's stand together and sound a wave of healing that WILL be heard around the world. Sound is energy that can transform the world. Can you spare 11 breaths or about 111 seconds for Humanity? If visualization comes easy to you, visualize feeling love. If you are not good at visualization, grab your lover, hold your baby or child, snuggle with your pet, or smell some beautiful flowers. It doesn’t matter how you get there so long as you find a place of unconditional love that you can hold and build for approximately 11 breaths or 111 seconds. We will then tone the heart sound Ahhhhhhhh 11 times while holding the thought of love in your mind/body/spirit. Imagine you are exhaling pure unconditional love out into the world and with each exhale a pink cloud of love embraces mother earth restoring Earth and humanity to a divine state of perfection. Don’t try to imagine what a divine state of perfection looks like. Just trust and believe that it does exist and hold that feeling of love. If you have never toned before it is so easy and we do it all the time after a good meal. Inhale slowly until your lungs are full, on the exhale try to hold the AH sound until all the air is expelled from your lungs slowly. Repeat 10 times for a total of 11. Don't trying to hold it to long or you will lose your breath. That’s it. Imagine the exuberant feeling of love and sound your trumpet ahhhhhhhh. Please invite ALL your friends and let’s start a wave that will be heard around the world. Sound is healing. *1 Corinthians 15:52* In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

    As I borrowed a quiet moment at 11:11 AM and trumpeted the “ahhhhhhh” or “ommmmm” sound while generating a feeling of unconditional love to surround our planet, I wondered why I don’t do this more often.  This particular moment (and again at 11:11pm) was certainly one of great power and also a perfect time to coordinate with others across the globe, but there is certainly no need to wait another 100 years to practice raising the vibration of love across our planet.  
    In the essence of time, (I had hoped to spend more time with introspection and chatter in this post, but circumstances dictate that I must be brief today) I propose this:
    Each day at 11:11 (or 10:10, or 1:11), take a moment, come back to your heart center, breath deeply, inhaling unconditional love and joy deep into your own Divine Being and the exhale this feeling, holding an image of our planet with waves of this love surrounding her.  (Or any other visualization of your choosing.)  The more we do this as individuals, the more we share in proliferating the positivity for all.  The more we intentionally focus our energy, the more we train ourselves to stay in the vibration of Love and Joy without the need for a reminder.  
    We are living in a time of great possibilities.  The energy of our planet is shifting and we are more than capable of shifting with it, creating more positive vibrations and more GOOD than we have ever imagined.  It is up to us to determine the course of the shift as well as our flow along with it by remaining open to the possibilities, focusing our attention on unconditional love and gratitude and sharing our Divine gifts with one another.

Love and Blessings.