Thursday, January 21, 2010

Light, Love and Beauty

I have embarked on a most intense and personal spiritual quest over the course of the last few months. I suppose it is safe to say that this is not a new quest nor am I alone in my “questing”, as we are all here on this Earth as a sort of adventure to learn all that we can in as many “ways” as we will allow ourselves. (The joy of Free Will!) It is my current plan that this post will be the first of quite a few in relation to this adventure. I think there would be many a spinning head if I were to try to cram everything that I deem important and relevant into one post. SO, get ready to hold on for the ride, if you dare!!!!

Each morning when I wake (or a bit later if I forget), I have been participating in an exercise recommended by my “Spiritual Adviser”. I express my Gratitude for the day to come and I state that I am open to receiving at least two wonderful gifts (or surprises) this day. Here is one of today's gifts:

This evening in the car on my way home from work, I was thinking about a conversation that I would like to have with a dear friend who recently returned to my life after a long absence and has more recently drifted back to the shadows. I began to verbalize my part of the conversation aloud.

“I just wish you could see yourself as you are. You are a wonderful, beautiful woman. Allow yourself to be who you truly are, not who others expect you to be, but WHO YOU ARE, on the inside. You are a beautiful being of Light, Love and Beauty. Be true to yourself and everything else will fall into place.”

It was then that I realized a “voice” was shouting over me (inside my head).

The “voice” said, “Are you listening to yourself? You are talking to YOU!”


What an experience.

“I am a beautiful being of Light, Love and Beauty. A wonderful being of Hope, Joy and Peace. I am an extension of God's Grace.” EVERY SINGLE one of us is this! WE are Love. We are ALL extensions of God's Grace. How often we forget this; How long it has been since we have remembered this!

To the dear friend who has helped me get to this point, THANK YOU. Until we meet again, may you see within yourself your own Truth, Love and Grace.

Although I am grieving what appears to be a great loss in my life at the moment, I am also celebrating the many gifts that I have been receiving over the last 6 (or so) months and continue to receive each day. I have received a much needed awakening. The greatest gift in that is that I didn't even know that I was asleep!

As I continue this journey and ponder the many events and lessons along the way, I will continue to share the things that I am learning. I hope that in some way my experiences and “talks with myself” can help others sort through “stuff”. It seems that there truly is good to be found in even the darkest of hours if we allow our own Light to shine long enough to look around us. (and by "around" I mean "within".)

We are all connected. Allow your own Truth to set you free of your personal limitations. Allow yourselves to simply BE Light, Love and Grace and see how the world shines more brightly around you!

Stay tuned for snippets on “Unconditional Love/Unconditional Giving” and quite a few other things that will come to mind when I am less sleepy.