They have now taken their drinks and moved on and I am grateful for that.
Last weekend I had an amazing experience at the Mind Body Spirit expo! Sharing in the joy with my lovely wife and a wonderful friend on Friday, we perused tables and vendors and treats before the biggest treat of all, an up close and personal experience with Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith and Rickie Byars Beckwith of Agape International Spiritual Center. Wow and more wow.
I returned on Saturday to see Doreen Virtue. It was snowing. October, East Coast, south of New York, North of the Carolinas.....not supposed to be snowing yet! There was no stopping me for this one, though! I'm not one to be star struck. Celebrity status is not something that I am overly excited about normally. I appreciate and respect the work and the individual as just that, a working individual with talents different than my own. I am grateful for the gifts that they share with the rest of us. Well, something about this expo blew all of that right out of the water for me. I will take you back in time to experience this portion of my journey......
Friday. This day was much easier, as I had my wife and our friend to speak for me. I said little, as far as I can recall. I just enjoyed the experience, immensely, I might add.
Saturday. This trip I made alone. As I said, it was snowing. I hadn't thought about checking the car for an ice scraper or snow brush, but thankfully Target was nearby and I was able to purchase one. I made it back into the expo just in time to visit a lovely booth to purchase a couple of shirts that I had my eye on the day before. (These lovely ladies were just fantastic. I look forward to posting links to their business as soon as I write them for permission to do so.) It was then time for the Doreen Virtue book signing!!!!! I had some books and I was getting them signed!!!! What to say? I had no idea what to say! I waited in line, anxious, excited and just plain thrilled to be there....the energy was amazing! It was my turn. I handed her the books. I smiled. She asked my name. I smiled. She smiled. I thought, "I wonder if she is seeing Angels around me?"
"guh, SHELLEY," I blurted out.
Still trying to think of something to say, I finally settled on explaining that she was one of my first Twitter followers. Yes, Doreen Virtue had followed slmusings on Twitter. (She's not following anymore.....alas, it was one of 25000+, so I'm not offended.) My explanation, by the way, was met with a rather blank, but kind stare. I then realized that someone with her busy schedule probably does not check her own Twitter follows. She likely has a staff for that. Oh well. No matter! My books were signed and I interacted with Doreen Virtue, Angel Therapist, Spiritual Doctor of Psychology, and Author of more than 20 books! I happily skipped away, anxious for the reception prior to her lecture.
Fast forward about 30 minutes to reception time.
I scurried to the room where (I thought) the reception was to be held and got in line. It seemed odd to stand in line for a cheese and cracker style reception, but I figured that maybe everyone was really hungry and maybe Doreen was hanging by the cheese to greet everyone. Then a very nice lady got in line behind me and kindly explained that this line was for a reading by Deborah King. (I am not really familiar with her teachings, but the brief explanation that I received was fascinating and I am anxious to learn more.) Now I was in a quandary. In attendance at a very spiritually uplifting event, I had found myself in the wrong place, but was it the right time? I mean, clearly I was here for a reason, but was the reason to get a reading from Deborah King, or to simply learn who Deborah King was? I had paid quite a lot for the Doreen Virtue full package tickets. My new friend helped me. She suggested that I go check out the reception, then return to line if I couldn't find it. Just then an expo helper came to guide some other wandering souls over to the reception. I hopped on their train and followed. (please keep in mind that I was still quite giddy....just thrilled to be there....think "kid in candy shop"....lego addict in lego store.....small child on Christmas morning...you get the point. (the term "excited utterance" might also come to mind.))
Ok, so enter reception room.
The first thing I did was tell my favorite sign language story to an interpreter. The story involves pizza, lesbians and a miscommunication. Yeah. Good one. (remember the "excited utterance" thing? yeah....) After recovering from that moment, I signed in, got my name tag and shuffled off to find a table. Everyone there seemed to have a large group, so I tossed it out to the Universe and followed the lead of my "guides/Angels/intuition". Making my way toward the back with my snacks, I saw a table with one lovely lady seated next to a chair with a coat on it. I deduced that this must be a table with only two people and therefore plenty of room to spare. I gently asked if I could join her and she graciously welcomed me to her table and into her presence. What a WONDERFUL wonderful person, and I say that with sincerity, not just because she told me that I was one of the funniest people she had ever met. (Okay, the compliment was worth more than it's weight in gold, but still, she was (is) super!) My new friend "El" introduced me to her friend "En" and we chatted like we had known each other all our lives. Isn't it just wonderful how the Universe works? As we were sharing, Doreen Virtue was making her way around to each of the tables, visiting and taking pictures with everyone. She arrived at our table and I got my phone out for a photo.
I stood up.
She stood there.
I smiled.
She smiled.
(I have no idea if anyone else was speaking at this point)
I finally realized that there had been a question, so I said, "Thank you, these are my new friends".
I then realized that the question had not had anything to do with my new friends, really.
Doreen then asked if we wanted a picture and I managed to compose myself long enough to muster my two new friends into a photo. I got a rather blurry shot of them, as I was so excited I could barely hold the camera still. I then, ever so calmly, made my way over to Ms. Virtue. Feeling very small, yet full of Love and Light, we posed for our picture. I think I then said something to the effect of, "blah blah blah blurt blurt blagh....I like pancakes and fruit cups and Angels are really fun....blah blah blah".
I'm smooth.
Maybe I didn't really say anything. I might have asked her out on a date. I really don't know. It was weird. I felt weird. And giddy.
Truly, it was amazing to meet her in person, especially just a day after being in the presence of Rev. Michael and Rickie as well. They are such wonderful teachers and sharers of their gifts. I feel blessed to have experienced this entire event.
Doreen's talk itself was just incredible. I am still feeling the effects of the expo even a week later, and am finding such joy all around.
With that, I close this little update, as it is time to leave the cafe and enjoy a weekend with a dear friend with whom I get to spend too little time.
Many Blessings to all!