This is a "textversation" that i had with a dear friend this morning. I think many others can benefit from this as well, so here goes....(DF = Dear Friend; M = Me) please excuse any formatting issues, as this is posted from my (very) Smartphone.
DF: "Looking to my gem ( that's you) for a gem . What is the best thing Eileen said to you 'the other day?'"
M: " of my favorite reminders is, "when you set a CLEAR intention, the mechanisms for it to manifest will fall into line.". (slightly paraphrased, but that's the gist)."
DF: "Nice, and how do you set a clear intention?"
M: "Well, you state what you want. An affirmation, for instance. Ie, "my body is beautiful and I take care of it thru healthy eating and fitness activities.". Or, "I am now experiencing a perfect loving, romantic relationship with a loving partner with whom i share a mutual love and respect.". Just a couple of options."
DF: "Thank you, perfect, got it."
M: "When we set an intention or state an affirmation, it is important that we are specific about the "what" but not the "how". God/Universe will provide the path for us to get to the "what" and as long as we are a vibrational match to that which we are wanting, the path will be clear to us. It is also important that we remain open to the possibilities. One thing that Rev Michael says in his books/recordings is "all this or something better". Just remember, we are ALL perfect creations. Spiritual beings here in this body, on this Earth having a Human experience. Sometimes it is easy forget out divine essence and truth of who we are. We get caught up in the daily happenings and forget that our true purpose here is to experience joy and happiness. We also forget that joy and happiness are already ours! Our True nature, our Essence IS Love! So, when we find ourselves seeking outwardly for that "thing" or "someone" to "make" us happy, we need only remember that we already have everything we need within us. We ARE LOVE - JOY - HAPPINESS and ALL OF OUR NEEDS ARE MET! Xoxoxo"