I woke up yesterday morning, feeling...different. I did get to sleep three hours longer than usual and had gone to bed earlier than usual, which was totally awesome. I somehow still felt tired and sluggish, but that was not the only difference. It was like being in a fog, yet with completely clear seeing. I felt as though I was experiencing life on this planet, in this body, for the very first time, yet still retained all the memories of previous experience.
I had a deep sense of knowing and a sense that I needed to share the knowledge, if only I knew what that knowledge was.....
So, I did what any logical, foggy minded person with clarity would do. I ate some breakfast, showered and rushed off to school with a first grader. After seeing her safely into the school (a minute or so after the first bell, as usual), I returned to the parking lot and bumped into one of the other lovely Mom's. My brain told me to tell her about this amazing new fitness program that I am now teaching at DestinyArts. I opened my mouth and realized that the verbal cues were not quite the same as those in my mind.
I stuttered out some information about intenSati, the revolutionary workout fusing high-energy aerobics, martial arts, dance, yoga, and strength conditioning developed by Patricia Moreno. Combining spoken affirmations with simple choreography, intenSati provides a heart-pumping, exhilarating workout that builds physical, mental, and spiritual muscle. It is fitness at the highest efficiency and empowerment-physically challenging and spiritually mindful. Courage, confidence, willpower, enthusiasm, self-respect, and a strong, healthy body are all results of this powerful practice. The goal of intenSati is to support total integration of body and mind, allowing you to be and experience all you deeply want...right NOW!)
No, I did not say it that articulately, but for the purposes of this post, I do want everyone to know the details of this amazing program! (www.satilife.com)
I managed to share the class times, chit chat for a moment or two, then climbed back into my car, wondering what in the world had happened to my conversational prowess.
I returned home, gathered some goodies and ran out on what turned out to be a very quick errand. I returned home yet again and promptly experienced a less than stellar heated discussion with my wife. Not good.
She and two of the girls were in the van, ready to head off to Pop-pop's house. I stormed inside and proceeded to have a grown up meltdown and temper tantrum, including screaming, yelling, flailing my arms about and, eventually, kicking a wall that I REALLY though was backed by a sturdy surface. (little damage, no worries) Unfortunately, my wife had returned from the car and heard most of my outburst as she reentered the front door to grab something that she had forgotten. I felt silly and snapped that I was "having a meltdown", then stormed off to the basement to clean. (Like a grown up time out, but in this case, simply a task on the "to-do list" of the day.)
So much for the peaceful, loving spiritual work, huh? Yep. I had a moment. A big moment. A moment that brought me utter clarity into what one of my 5 year old twins is probably feeling when she flails her arms and legs around while crying and screaming.
And then it began....the cleaning and the actual clarity. A glance at the hot water heater reminded me that I REALLY needed to schedule a final inspection appointment with the township and should do that ASAP. I glance at some flip flops that had been left behind (I thought) by a house guest, was enough to remind me that I really needed to get a new pair of shower shoes for work.
I began to clean and forgot all about scheduling the inspection appointment.
The doorbell rang.
I peeked out the window upstairs and saw a township vehicle in the driveway. Concerned that I was in trouble, (Maybe he heard my tantrum and was here to fine me for exceeding the allowable neighborhood decibel limits) I sheepishly opened the door. Turns out he was a Code Enforcement Officer and was here to remind me to get a permit to do the work that I needed to schedule a final inspection for. Long story short here, not only was he able to determine that the permit was actually on file, but also that it had been picked up by the contractor and everything was A-OK! He was even able to take care of the inspection right then and there.
We passed! Boiler, Hot Water Heater are good to go now! Whoop!
What is the point of this?
The Code Enforcement officer helped me to realize the POWER of our thoughts and the quickening pace at which we can manifest our desires.
Only hours before he arrived, I had stated, with INTENSE feeling, that I needed to get the inspection taken care of. As though sent from above, he arrived and it was done. This happened for me after a meltdown.....imagine the possibilities with a clear and positive mind-set!
Finally, I realized the knowledge that I was (am) to share, to reiterate:
"Time" is quickening, in a way. Our thoughts, our intentions are coming to fruition much more quickly than we have previously experienced. It is, therefore, so very, very important that we practice daily, the art of positive thought. The more joyfully we can express in our thoughts, words and deeds, the more gracefully our desires will flow to us.
As we think, so shall we become; As we see, so shall we achieve. That which we can see with our mind's eye, we already have become in some dimension of time......it is only a matter of stepping back in THIS time to allow it to unfold before our eyes.
Oh, and the flip flops.... turns out, they were left here intentionally by my Mother on her last visit. She thought they belonged to us, as they had been left at her house after a previous family visit. They were not ours, but they fit me and so I acquired my new shower shoes....already in my house and ready to get packed into my bag for work.
Remember, if you can See it (in the mind's eye), you can Be it! (I can now see myself resting happily in dream land....catch y'all on the flip side! Good Night!)