Blooh asked me to share my experience this evening, which I offered to a friend just after it took place. Blooh, the wise and Magical Unicorn that he is, thought that others would benefit as well. Here it is:
I pulled in to the target parking lot. Noticing that a car pulled through a spot up front, I turned to take the one behind them. Another car got it just ahead of me. Then a better spot in the aisle that I had just passed opened up. Then a car began to back out of another nearby spot as I passed. My choices were many...I could have gotten mad and "cursed those darn spot takers". I could have pouted and parked far away. I decided to laugh aloud at the prankster goings on from the Universe, pull through some farther spots and take my chances with the closest one to the store. I decided that the spot would be open because it was my gift. I celebrated and said thank you as I pulled into the spot.
The moral of the story is.....things are not always as they initially seem. The gifts are right in front of us and when we release our fear and open to receive, they come right to us. (Or we to them).