Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Myself vs. I

Thank you for your patience during my extended meditation exercises. If only my personal experience was as relaxing as the cartoon me appears! I could attempt to explain myself for allowing so much time to pass between blog updates, but I simply have no excuse. Just like everyone else, we are a busy family. My work at the Paper Mill seems endless, but this is a good thing, as it pays the bills! I think that one part of my "anti-posting" campaign is due to a type of writer's block. It's not that I have nothing to write about - there are plenty of day to day events that could be construed as amusing, anecdotal, or educational. The thing is, as I read back over some of the past entries, I feel a lack of "funny" come over me. I want to "hear" that side splitting laughter coming out of my screen when others read what I have written. If not laughter, then a strong sense of "hmmm....." is good. Bottom line is, I've suddenly (ok, it's not so sudden) begun a heated competition with myself to see who can have the best blog entry, and since I know that I am the best, there is no competing with me! (When I say "the best", I mean in the competition between Myself and I - there is no comparison to be made with some of my other blogging friends -- i.e. TheEverythingGirl, Ciar Cullen, to name a couple.)
I am wondering, (Ciar Cullen, perhaps you can answer this) is this normal? I mean, in the "writer" sense. Not that I consider myself a writer, really, but there are a couple of things brewing that I intend to finish one day.

So, where does this leave us?
It leaves me sitting on the couch with a laptop right where it belongs - on my lap, pondering what to do next. One phrase keeps coming to mind - an entry that I have had in my drafts since August. (Where does the time go???) Now seems like an appropriate time to review that one. . . . . stay tuned.........

Life gets in the way of itself

Have you ever felt that life had a tendancy to get in the way of itself? What I mean is, do you ever feel so busy and aspire to do so many things, whether it is in one day or over the course of "time" that very little is accomplished? Sort of like running in circles, but more like an outward spiral. In keeping with previous posts regarding "The Secret" and other motivational inferences, I prefer to take a more positive view than this sounds so far. First, though, I think I need to explain more fully what I mean. Strap on your seatbelts - I am about to take you on a journey through my mind.....are you scared yet? *sinsiter cackle*

Wow! This is more challenging than I thought! All right, I'll begin with daily "aspirations". For me, as for everyone, I suspect, these things change depending on the day. It could be walking the dogs, petting the birds, cleaning the fish, playing with Baby Ruth, grocery shopping, house cleaning, laundry, an oil change for the car, or perhaps all of the above. (OK, so I don't do much of the grocery shopping, but I pitch in everywhere else......supermarkets frighten much many people........) In addition to these tasks, which are on-going, there are the larger "one-time" projects - painting the doors, replacing doors, a bit of sewing, painting the trim, building a room or buying a house (this last to accomodate our growing family). As the weather warms, there is landscaping to think about. Next we have the walks in the park, blog updating, other writing, time for meditation, planning for the upcoming rec. softball season, and for me a very important part of life, Martial Arts - which leads right into the daily dietary considerations - to fast or not to fast.....and a wealth of other contemplations when it comes to deciding what to things are good, processed things are bad.....and what about the air that we breath? the plastic toys? the "mainstream" diapers? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
(hey, I warned you that this was a journey through my mind......)
All right, so there are many activities that are available to be accomplished and completed. These are in addition to that little thing called "job". I love my job at the Paper Mill, and often welcome the opportunity to go there. Not because I want to get away from home, but because I enjoy what I do. It does, however, take time from the other things that I want to do. Overall, I feel very fortunate to have so many opportunities to do different things. BUT, the big BUT.......this is where life tends to get in the way of itself. Corporate folks might take the "time management" perspective and say that it is just a matter of managing my time and that I should, perhaps, keep a daily planner and stick to it. What that says to me is, "aaargh! one more thing that I have to do....I have to take the time to sit down to figure out how much time I have for each activity." -- not so helpful.

Where is the positive message in all of this? (A very good question, that is!)

Clearly, priorities must be set, and met. Family first. This includes SELF. We are no good to anyone else if we are not good to ourselves first. This is not an act of "selfishness", although it may sound like it. As I said, I am thankful to have so many opportunities to accomplish different things. The challenge for me lies in my effort to "quiet my mind". I am making an increased effort to set aside some time for daily meditation, in one form or another. The other things to be done are still going to be there afterwards, and if I am lucky, the Fairies (remember the Fairies? - scroll down....) will return and do all of the painting for me!

So, while life does sometimes get in the way of itself and trip us every now and again, we must focus on simply being. Everything will come together in its own time - just enjoy the journey!

Remember: "What we think about, we bring about!"

Weekend with Gram

My Mom came to visit this weekend. She used to come to see me, but not so much any more. Now that Baby Ruth is with us, she is the star of the show, as she should be. We had a lovely time going to the park, eating, and playing. Baby Ruth and Gram both seemed to enjoy themselves very much, as did both of our dogs. The little one loves to have someone new to snuggle with at night, and Gram fits the bill quite nicely!
As for the dogs, we seem to have some mixed up priorities in our household. We came to this conclusion one evening as we were playing on the floor with Baby Ruth and the dogs came pouncing in. With glaring eyes and a stern voice, Lady M, pointing at the sofa said, "GET UP THERE AND LAY DOWN!"
Who tells their dogs to get ON the couch so that the humans of the house can have the floor to themselves?? (uh, that would be us)
So, now the dogs have the right idea. They come into the room, see us playing on the floor, and hop right up where they belong - on the furniture. The big brown dog wanted to demonstrate this to Gram this past weekend as we were taking a short break from the movie that we were watching.
Into the living room she trotted and seeing Baby Ruth on the floor, promptly hoped onto the couch next to me. Now, it is very important for a dog to have things arranged just so, and the blanket that was on the cushion was simply not positioned properly. So, in large doggie fashion, she dug and flipped the blanket with her head, tossing it to and fro when suddenly her concentration was broken by a noise from the kitchen. Brown Dog popped up facing the kitchen, front feet on the arm of the sofa, with the blanket draped so daintily around her head and shoulders. We began to chuckle, and then we saw it. Lady M had been folding laundry and apparently an article of her clothing had been left behind. Well, Brown Dog found it. Standing with her front paws on the arm of the sofa and the blanket draped around her, Brown Dog was proudly displaying on her neck a rather large bra hanging by a single strap.

I know that it is not nice to laugh at others, and I did feel somewhat guilty for howling with laughter when I saw the confused look in the dog's eyes, but it was one of the funniest things that I have ever seen!