Vacation, Night 2 - wee hours of the morning.
Office like place. Two office spaces connected through adjoining doors. The door could be unlatched from the opposite side by reaching one's hand through. The “other” office was like an “alternate universe”. (yes, I did watch a Fringe episode before going to bed.) I was with a group of people and we had been on the "other" side. We returned and brought back all of the “toys” that we had taken. Actual toys - stuffed animals, legos, toy helicopters, etc. Some were broken. The “guy” in charge said that none should have been broken. He said that the broken toys meant that we had maintained an attachment to them and had we not been attached, they would not have been broken. I struggled with this and my thought process was as follows:
If we are told to bring the toys back with us and that they are to remain intact, then wouldn’t we, by default, be maintaining an attachment to them? We would want to protect them and keep them safe. Therefore, we would be attached. (This was going on inside my head within the dream. I didn’t actually ask the question, and on some level, what the “guy” was saying made sense and I knew it to be the truth.)
Upon waking, which I was very glad to do because of the continued strange nature of this dream, I filled Mare in on all the details. (There was a lot more to it, but the "attachment aspect" seems the most significant right now. The backwards bathing suit, missing the bus, driving with an old friend and seeing the home of my deceased grandparents take a backseat to the above.) As I was describing it to her, it hit me. The “guy” was indeed correct.
We do not need to “hold on” to things/people to keep them safe. We need to let them go. By releasing the attachment and letting them go, we are trusting in the will of the Universe. We are trusting that they will be safe. It is the doubt that we bring into the situation that allows for things to be broken. In the dream, we all needed to simply trust that the toys would be safe and safe they would be. The attachment was created by the DOUBT related to their safety. It was because of this doubt that some of the toys were harmed.
To release the attachment does not mean to release caring or to release intentions for the Highest Good of oneself or others. Releasing attachment means simply to release the doubts and fear associated with a LACK of caring and good.
I have been told, I have read, I have even told others and myself to Let go and Let God (or Let go and Let Flow). Saying and doing are two different things, but with each “eureka experience” such as this dream, I feel closer to my goal, closer to the present moment, my Highest Good.
(I mentioned above that I had watched a "Fringe" episode prior to going to bed. I am guessing that there are a few folks out there who may say that this dream was not so much a lesson as it was a continuation of the events of my day. That is entirely possible and is certainly a valid position to take in dream study and interpretation. Here is my thought on the matter:
Our dreams, our lessons and our Spiritual Journeys occur in the form necessary for us to understand the deeper meaning. By presenting to me in the manner in which this dream did, it was not difficult for my brain to process the data. It was already in a familiar form. I just needed to delve a tiny bit deeper to glean the underlying meaning. What's more, someone else could have had the same dream and it could have taken a totally different meaning! Incredible, isn't it? Dream study and interpretation, like poetry and other art forms, is in the eye of the beholder.'s all about perspective.)
Check out SouL Musings for affirmation photos related to releasing attachment.