Have you ever found yourself in a place where you are REALLY READY to make a change? Maybe you are there right now. Maybe you are in the midst of it. Maybe that time for change has been thrust upon you. If so, are you resisting? Have you made the decision to create a shift in your life and now that it has begun, are you resisting?
As any Star Trek fan knows, according to the Borg, “resistance is futile”.
Change comes. No matter what. From the most minute detail to the outer reaches of the known Universe and beyond, change is the only constant there is, so why resist it?
As humans, we like to be in control…of everything.
The truth is, we ONLY have control over our own thoughts, words and actions. In fact, that is our birthright, our responsibility. It is called Free Will.
I had an experience yesterday. (If you have read the post just prior to this one, you know that I experienced an amazing awakening on Sunday.) Yesterday, I woke up feeling pretty crappy. It was like I stepped back in time a few days and nothing had changed. Then I realized that underneath the feeling there was a new current flowing. As I shifted my focus to the new current, I realized that underneath my surface mood was an understanding of true happiness and a belief in my own worth. I wondered why I was in that space and began to ask myself why I was feeling this way as I drifted into an understanding that, if I resisted this current mood, I might remain stuck there for a long time. So I shifted my perspective and, while allowing myself to feel whatever it was that I was feeling, I remembered how I felt on Sunday - elated, free, lighter than air….Happy.…and so very LOVED! And I knew, that if I felt that way once and it felt so great, then THAT must be the Truth of who I AM! So, why the muddling on this particular morning?
It struck me. I was tired. I did not have enough sleep the night before and was so very tired. When we are tired, everything is different. We are so busy just getting the energy moving that we lose track of who we are! Yes. It takes energy to remain mindful and it takes mindfulness to remember the Truth of who we are, especially when we are just learning to express it! It takes mindfulness to recognize the thoughts that no longer serve us and it takes mindfulness to shift our perspective to new and empowering thoughts. In other words, it is EASY to go back to our “old” methods when we are tired or otherwise distracted. It takes practice to train our minds to stay focused on the new. It takes discipline. Even discipline takes practice and above all it requires LOVE. When we begin to Love ourselves fully, we are much more willing to take charge of our thoughts and to exercise our free will in such a way that we are Mindfully moving forward in the direction of our goals and dreams. Sometimes it requires a little push, maybe from someone dear to us, maybe from somewhere deep within ourselves, or maybe it was an experience that seemed to happen “to” us. (Remember, nothing happens “to” you…but everything happens “FOR” you!)
Yesterday morning I slipped back into my “comfort” zone. The difference was, I recognized that it was not comfortable there. It wasn’t comfortable, but it was easy. I could stay there and be grumpy and wallow. I could choose not to do the “work” to get out of it and I could look around for all sorts of people or situations to blame. I could also choose to recognize that it simply didn’t feel good, and I did recognize that! I chose to shift my perception, shift my thoughts just a bit until I could form a few affirmative statements that were fitting for me and I repeated them. “The Truth of who I am is happiness”. “I AM worth it” “I AM Love” “I AM more than this”. And then a Rickie Byers Beckwith song began to play in my head….once Rickie starts singing, everything improves! Next thing I knew, I was being asked for “material” on presenting uplifting and empowering life information to a group of girl scouts, I was spreading the word and getting folks exciting about upcoming intenSati classes and before I could blink, the mood had lifted and I was BACK!
Change is not easy. But if we want to make a shift in our lives, we HAVE to be willing to step out of the comfort zone again and again and again. (I say “we”, because I’m in it with you.) We have to be willing to pay attention to where we are in each moment, and when we feel the fear, we need to be kind to ourselves. Know that it is ok to feel the fear, but then remember the TRUTH of who we are - Love. When we come back to that space of Love, all fear melts away and we are free to choose as we see fit. We can choose to stay put, to stay in that place of “comfort”, even if we know that staying there is not serving our greater purpose, but maybe it just feels good; OR, we can choose to take that leap. We can make the decision to step out of the nest like a baby bird learning to fly for the very first time. We can feel the fear, but know that we have wings, step off the edge of the nest, and flap like hell! Yes, we might just flutter to the ground the first time. Like I said, it takes practice. So we return to the nest, only this time we realize that there is a whole new world out there and we have simply outgrown the nest! Here we recognize the shift in perspective, regain our strength by returning to Love (within ourselves), and we do it again. Keep going. Keep flapping, because it is time to SOAR!