Tuesday, December 26, 2006


I know that I said that my previous post would be my last for 2006, but I wanted to share this dream that I had last night. It was quite strange, to say the least, but in the end seemed to have a good lesson.......get comfortable, it’s a long one.....oh, and please pardon any changes in tense and person that may occur......

The dream began with a woman with blonde hair, who I think was supposed to be me. Perhaps this was me from a past or future life. This woman was in a car crash or something that occurred suddenly and sent her into a large amount of water. This incident involved something contrary to the law. Perhaps drinking and driving (we all know this is a no-no, right). My recall is a bit fuzzy, but I know there was water and she was in it. The next thing that I recall is her in the grass next to what may have be softball fields. It seems that she has just climbed out of the water and has been handed a blanket with a pink ribbon on it.

There is a blank period here. Next, I recall seeing her in a building with other people. (I should mention that while I am “seeing” this action from the third person, I am also experiencing it as this woman.) She is in a room. She knows that there was an accident of some sort and knows that she may be in serious trouble, but then through either her own realization or by overhearing a conversation, she realizes that no one was ever able to identify her. (Apparently, she is thought to be dead, but is clearly alive and well - with no identity. By “identity” I mean that she has nothing to call herself. She “knows” who she is, but there is no word or name for her now.) There are people there who she knows, yet she says that she doesn’t remember who she is and this seems like the truth. In her mind, although she feels that it is real, the images of the crash seem like a dream.

She is walking around this building which seems like a dormitory or a hospital or a research facility of some sort. The people whom she knows from before the “incident” all look exactly the same, as does she. They know her, but also know that she doesn’t remember her name, so they don’t either.
(This CLEARLY was a very strange dream! It was like a time paradox or something. The more I write, the stranger it seems........alas, I digress......)

She is shown to her room, which looks like a large dorm room and she will share it with four others.
(please bear with me as I skip around a bit. some images are lost, while others just pop up at random)

She sees a calendar. It is a large white “wipe-off” board with all of the rooms listed. A square around the room means that that room has mail. She goes to get the mail. It is in what appears to be a nurses station. She is handed the mail and has some herself. (I don’t recall what it was, just that it seemed very strange to get mail in this place.)

She is walking around/exploring. She sees a date on a newspaper - a year. It is 5639, or something close to that. It is nearly 3000 years from our “local present time”. She asks multiple people what year it is and all confirm that it is 5639 (or so). Perplexing!

She is talking to one of her “old” friends, who still looks the same and has the same name. She asks how this is possible and her friend just shrugs, giving her a “you know how it is” look. She asks her friend how old she is. Her friend says that she is 15,000 years old - or was it 1500? - either way, it didn’t add up and didn’t make sense to her.

Again, everyone confirms the year.

She is, once again, walking around and exploring outside the building. She is walking on a pathway around the side of the building. Concrete steps are bordered by shrubs atop stone walls. It is very pretty. Beautiful green grass covers the grounds. There are other people around as well. Near the top of the walkway there is larger wall. Above this wall is a giant talking bird. The bird seems to be preaching or giving out some sort of directive. At first, from a distance, this bird seems real, but when she gets closer, she realizes that it is mechanical. She can see the wires holding it up. Now the entire area seems like a movie set. There are also large wild, black cats with large fangs wandering around. She is not sure if they are real or not, but they don’t bother anyone.

After this, there is some more blank space.

She is inside looking at a newspaper again. She is reading over someone’s shoulder and is looking at the dates on the tops of the pages. The dates all seem different. She perceives that she is only supposed to see the first page. (year 5639) To her, this also seems like a movie prop, but when she asks the date, she is again told “5639”. The person turning the pages seems to turn very quickly to the page with that date. She is now beginning to feel uneasy. Something does not seem right.

She is back in her room. A bed needs to be made and one of her roommates is working on it. She says that she is going to go get the mail, but the person making the bed needs help first. She helps, then goes to get the mail. She feels as though she should not be seen, quickly reaches in for the mail and leaves.

She is in a house with someone else - a friend. They are looking for something. The house seems empty. As she goes to the back down a long hallway, she notices that there is a large amount of “stuff” here. Many shelves of books, papers, toys, etc. line the hallway. She tries a couple of doors - knocks on them, I think. An old man’s voice is heard from behind one of the doors. She and her friend both feel the need to leave, but she continues back the hallway. She encounters a snake coiled on a chair. It is real, but looks like a “beanie baby” snake - it is bright blue and green with some other colors. It lifts its head and hisses. She backs away and hurries down the hall.

She feel strongly that things are not right and that she needs to leave this place. In a previous discussion she had asked someone about some sort of “old” tool or device - something that we use today, but should have been obsolete in that time - a pencil sharpener or something - it seemed primitive for that time period. Although she feels that everyone here seems somewhat aloof and secretive, she also senses something much more powerful. Everyone seems to have a very high level of awareness. She can feel it, and feels that she has it too, but her fear of the unknown - unknown place/time/consequences - seem to be keeping her from experiencing it fully.

She is outside in a forest-like area. She is running, perhaps for exercise - it doesn’t seem to be for escape.
She is climbing up rocky steps. The seem to just rise out of no where. At the top of the steps is a rock path with a metal railing. The path just stops at random and a wide stream of muddy water flows through . The walkway continues on the other side. At first it seems that there is no way across, then she realizes that people have now developed the ability to run across water. As she realizes this, another “jogger” runs by, on the water. She knows that if she believes, then she can do it too. Her friend is with her and can’t find her way up the steps. She directs her friend.

Next they are in an area with a thick pink liquid. She gets in and begins to swim. She gets it in her nose and it is hard to breath. At first she begins to panic and starts to sink. Then she realizes that she must relax and she becomes very buoyant. Her friend wants her to taste the liquid. She does not, but it smells like strawberry. She “swims” to a chair holding a black bunny with pink ribbons. The bunny is mechanical. It says to take a ribbon and it will help her “hop” along. She knows that this ribbon will enable her to jump and nearly fly. She marvels about this to her friend and her friend points out that she had a pink ribbon on her blanket earlier, but she didn’t use it. She now olds the ribbon and begins to “hop” along the top of this liquid.

This is where I woke up.

No, I am not crazy. I just have very vivid dreams, and am certain that there are many important messages in there. Perhaps the messages are not just for me, as I felt compelled to post this particular dream for all to read.
What came to mind as I finished writing this in my dream journal was this:
In regard to the ribbons: Sometimes we are given “gifts”, but we don’t know what to do with them. It is not until sometime later, perhaps after some Life Lessons and a reintroduction to the “gift” that we figure out how important it was to begin with.
Our challenge, our goal must be to recognize these “gifts” immediately as we receive them. The “Universe” will help us learn to understand and recognize them.
Be careful what you wish for, and express gratitude for what you have.

I absolutely WELCOME any and all comments on this one!!

Friday, December 22, 2006


MERRY CHRISTMAS, Everyone!!!!!! To everyone who celebrates Christmas, that is.......

Happy Hanukkah, to those who celebrate Hanukkah......

Happy Winter Solstice, for those to whom it applies.......

And a HEARTFELT Seasons Greetings to anyone and everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful, joyous Holiday Season and an even Happier New Year!

Please accept my apologies for the lack of posts lately. The busy season is upon us, and I too have been caught up in the hustle bustle of everyday life. Times are tough at the "Paper Mill" these days and I've had to work extremely long hours just to keep the fires lit. It's tough, but someone has to do it.

For now, I leave you with one last post for 2006........(see below).........

(Wholesome) Parents of the Year (??)

I am quite certain that, based on the last week, Lady M and I are going to be nominated for "Parents of the Year". (yeah, right....)
Again, I do apologize for the lag in posts. Obviously it is a busy time of year for all of us, so I really have no excuse, other than to say that I've been trying to work as much overtime as possible at the "Mill" so that we can get "Baby Ruth" some nice presents this year. *wink*

Anyway, on to the award explanations.......

A very good friend of mine who, until fairly recently, was a closeted Romance writer, recently had her first book signing. (WAY TO GO CIAR!!!!) (By closeted, I mean that I did not know that she was such a phenomenal writer....in fact, I had no idea that she wrote at all.)
Unfortunately, I was working the day of the signing, and because it is crunch time at the factory, I couldn't get the day off. So, I badgered "Lady M" until she conceded and agreed to go purchase a signed copy of Ciar Cullen's "Lords of Chi" for me. At the time, I could think of no reason why this would not be a good idea. "Lady M's" comment of, "Oh good, I'll get my Dad's magazines while I'm there" should have been a clue, however.
(I should mention that the book is technically -Ciar, correct me if I'm wrong- EROTIC FANTASY FICTION.)
So, long story short, I sent my wonderful partner and our beloved offspring to Borders in the local mall to purchase an Erotic novel and Playboy magazines ("Dad's mags")!! I can only imagine the thoughts going through people's heads as "Lady M" approached the counter with a signed copy (which I am VERY proud to have, btw) of "Lords of Chi" and a stack of Playboy magazines with a toddler in her arms.
I imagine things like, "Oh, that poor child! What kind of environment is she being raised in?" and "Oh, you filthy woman........what do you teach this child?"
The reality is, most likely no one noticed or cared, but in my mind, this is strike number one against us for parents of the year.
Strike two came when young "Baby Ruth" decided to titter totter up to the Christmas tree, snatch one of the light bulbs off and pop it in her mouth. This has been a recurring activity, hence strike number two.
I'm giving myself credit for strike number three.
In an effort to get us out the door on time, I decided that I'd try my hand at multitasking. Nothing Earth-shattering, just thought that I'd let the dogs out while changing "Baby Ruth's" diaper. So, out go the dogs (btw, it is rather wet outside) and I set to changing the diaper which, of course, was full of poop. As any well trained young human will do, as soon as I pulled off the dirty diaper and applied the diaper cream, "Baby Ruth" demonstrated her quickness and scurried across the floor. At the same time, in came doggie number one tracking muddy paw prints across the freshly cleaned carpet. I recovered "Baby Ruth" and finished the diapering process. I then grabbed a baby wipe in an effort to clean the floor. During the second that it took me to turn around, "Baby Ruth" began her investigation of the poop filled diaper. I quickly recovered the diaper and turned my attention to the dirty paws afoot. Again, "Baby Ruth", the investigator extrodinaire, turned her attention elsewhere. I glanced back (again, maybe a second or two later) just in time to see a little tiny pointer finger jammed into the opening of the diaper cream.)
Needless to say, the baby wipe that was meant to be used to clean paws was used to clean little tiny fingers.

Although we may not be candidates for "(Wholesome) Parents of the Year", I think we are doing OK. I mean, at least we're not running a "meth." lab in the basement and turning tricks on the nearest street corner! (not that I know anything about this sort of thing......uh.....I mean.....I just overheard something like it at the "Mill" the other day.......yeah, that's it.....)