Now, here's my mental image of the project.
A newly widened superhighway winds gently through the midst of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Various species of animals have set up residence on both sides of the highway. These animal families need to get to the opposite side, of course, for food, fun, and frolic. (Hey, animals have extended families too, and everyone loves a good family reunion!) Unfortunately, there is a nearly continuous flow of traffic. Way too many cars to allow the safe passage of a tiny frog or lizard. But WAIT! Not to worry! The brilliant humans have solved the problem. There are tunnels UNDER the road. Now Sal the Salamander can cross with ease.
Here it is from Sal's point of view:

One warm sunny day, Sal A. Mander crawled lazily from his murky puddle. As he did every morning upon waking, he pitter pattered over to his favorite mud spot and settled in for his morning bath. Sal sensed something different this morning. Something big.
"What is this strange vibration I'm sensing?" Sal wondered. (Salamanders are very sensitive to atmospheric change, you know.)
Then he saw it. The giant flat snake had grown even larger! Sal would have jumped right out of his scales, if salamanders had scales, that is. His heart pounding, Sal scurried to higher ground for a closer look. He could hardly believe his eyes. Now there were even more of those strange creatures with the round legs zipping over the giant flat snake's back.
"Those crazy humans must be feeding it again," thought Sal. "Now how am I going to get to Sally's house? Those zippies don't care what or who is in their path - they'll run right over me!"
Sal crept closer to the flat giant and bumped into Timmie, the cheerful timber rattlesnake.

"G' Mornin' Sal," quipped Timmie cheerfully.
"Hi Timmie," Sal said glumly.
"What's wrong, Sal?"
"Are you kidding, Timmie? Look at that! How am I supposed to get to Sally's house now? I'll never make it across the giant flat snake with all of those zippies up there!"
"No worries, Sal! Look at this." Timmie wagged her tail at a strange little tree-like object.
This was unlike any forest flora Sal had ever seen. It was a flat, shiny, yellow thing atop a green stick. There were markings on it that resemble all sorts of floor dwelling forest creatures walking, hopping and slithering into a long black hole. Sal was certain that it was some strange graffiti created by a flat snake artists trying to lure them all into the giant flat snake's belly.
Timmie sensed Sal's anxiety and explained the sign to him.
"Sal, this is a sign that the humans put here for us. Look over there - that is our safe passage to the other side of the flat giant."
Sal blinked, realized that he wasn't wearing his glasses, and quickly put them on. Now he could clearly see what was in front of him. Just a few yards away was the "black hole". Just outside of it was posted a sign, "WILDLIFE TUNNEL".
"Wild life?" wondered Sal aloud. "But I sort of enjoy my dull every day existence. Why would I want to enter the wild life?"
"No, no," chuckled Timmie, her tail rattling with glee. "Wildlife Tunnel - that is our path to the other side. We no longer have to cross over the top. Now we can go THROUGH."
"Ohhhhh," said Sal in amazement.
"C'mon, let's try it out!"
Sal and Timmie ran and slithered through the tunnel safely to the other side of the giant flat snake with hundreds, no thousands, of unaware zippies zooming along overhead.
So, do you think the brilliant engineers will post signs directing the fauna to the tunnels (like the one's that are posted so that the deer know where to cross)?
I love your stories. The things you come up with always amaze me. You have a great imagination and I think they should post signs for Sal and Timmie. : ) Maybe Sal and Timmie will visit the engineers while they are working on their tunnels and tell them where to put the signs. haha
you do have a wonderful imagination and it brings a smile ot my face to read some of your stories. I think poor little Timmie and Sal should have their very own signs :)
Aww, ya'll are so sweet!
my mom was telling me about this tunnel the other day. It's gonna cost 13 million of our tax $s. I only wish Timmie and Sal could read!
They'll get mugged in the tunnels. It's a bad idea.
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