Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Semi-Random, Less than Predictable Adventures of Kay Oss

Hello, my name is Kay.   I'm basically a drifter.  I go where ever and whenever the wind takes me, in fact, half the time I don't know where I am!  It's okay, though.  I rather enjoy the element of surprise.  The best is the look on people's faces when I end up on their doorstep.  I usually drop in at just the right moment, at least by my standards.  The funny thing is, no one seems to have the same standards as I do.  I mean, we all need a sense of adventure, right?  So, I'm not sure why folks seem to get upset soon after I am dropped off. Maybe it would all make more sense if I just take you along on a typical day for me (and by "day", I mean a period of time.  Light or dark makes no difference in my book).

Are you ready?  Here we go:
I'm hanging out under my favorite Japanese Maple tree, reading a book and just enjoying the twilight hours.  I hear a rustling in the leaves and I know it's time to fly.  I quickly tuck my book into my bag and tighten my straps.
Whooooooooooosh........I'm (we are) off!  (Hold on tight!!)  Soaring on the air currents, no particular destination in mind.
I learned a long time ago to make no attempt at controlling my landing spot.  As it turns out, where I go is a completely random event.  What happens when I get there is often random as well, although the folks who are there do have some input as to what actually occurs during my stay.  The weird part is that they seldom realize that they have any say whatsoever.  So strange!  The most interesting thing, from my perspective, is that there is ALWAYS someone there.  I have never landed on a completely deserted island or even in an empty house.
As suddenly as I am swooped up, I feel myself falling.  It's not like one of those dream falls - you know the kind I'm talking about - where you are falling and falling and then just as you are about to hit bottom, you wake up with a tremendous start, limbs flailing in all directions.  Anyway, it's just a gradual float downward and then PLOP!  I'm sitting in front of a lovely little house.
On this occasion, it is a nice little house with semi-manicured flower gardens, bricks that had been painted and are now peeling and siding that is definitely in need of a good powerwashing.  (I am not being critical here, just descriptive.)  I like to look around before I go inside.  Sometimes it just doesn't seem worth my time to even try to take up shelter for any period of time.  This house, however, is perfect.  In fact, I am so excited to introduce myself to the residents!  Come on!  Let's go in!!!!  I'm not even going to ring the bell, I'm just going right in.....wait......uh oh.....dogs....Perfect!  That makes it even better!  I LOVE dogs!  I love the sounds that they make when I ring the doorbell.  Such beautiful barks, whines, growls and howls!  Let's see what these two can do!
(Obnoxious barking, yipping, groaning, growling, and howling ensue.)
Ah, perfect!  What a din.  And....yep, there it is, the shouting above the doggie chatter.
The door opens and I slip in without a sound (well, without a sound on my part, anyway).  This is when the fun really begins.  The now irate home owner is behind me looking out the door, clearly curious as to what has started the bark-bash.  Of course, I'm already inside, so they have no idea that it was me.  Soon enough they will welcome me to their humble abode.
Now that I've heard the chatter of the dogs (who are still at it, by the way), it is time to see what else can be accomplished.
Ah, birds.  Perfect.
A little wave of my hand and so begins the chorus of squawks.  Dancing, flapping, jingling the bells.  Ooh, one of the dogs was startled by the bell and bumped into the cage, startling the white bird.  Now she is in flight.  Wow!  Great wing span!
Oops, she has knocked over the bottle of water on the table.  Uh oh.  Here comes a toddler.
Ouch!  That was a loud scream!
Apparently the little one is afraid of the flying, squawking, water spilling avian.
Another adult is now bounding down the stairs.
"What's going on?" she asks as two more children who appear to be under the age of 5 come running from the back room.
"Mommy, Momma!  The dogs are barking and I spilled my cereal!" cries one.
The other states, matter of factly, "I stinky".

"Aaahhhhh," cries the door opening adult in answer to the question posed by the other, "Welcome to CHAOS!"

And there we have it.  I have been welcomed to their home.  I, Kay Oss, shall spend the night here tonight.  That is, unless these folks figure out how to adjust quickly........

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