This month, I am peacefully meditating for 20 minutes each day;
I am creating, with joy and ease, 5 new cards each week for the SouL Musings "Today I am Willing...." series; and,
I am writing, with ease and grace, for 20 minutes daily in my Blog and/or in my journal.
Check off number 3 on the list for today.
Yesterday was a little rough. The day was great, as days go, but the commitments were not as fluid as the day. Plenty of excuses were available, but those are daily events, so really can't be excuses. (There are three main excuse options and they are all under the age of 7.) Mostly, I blamed my iPhone. I woke up completely "Un-ACTUALIZED" (Hey, it happens). (Oh, if you aren't sure what I'm talking about, see the post just prior to this one.) I like to be the first one up in the house so that I can enjoy some moments of quiet before beginning the race. I'm not even sure if I was the first one up or not yesterday, because I was so irritated by the fact that my phone was (is) still sitting in a bag of rice, completely useless.
The interesting part is that the day before, when it actually practiced its ability to dive into a small container (I have to say, it made very little splash and was quite graceful with the glide across the bottom of the dish pan), I laughed. Not a, "Oh this is so funny" laugh, but a "Wow, look what the Universe offers when we need to WAKE UP" sort of laugh.
Yesterday, I was not laughing. I was grumpy and agitated. Completely in contrast to the previous day. Again, interesting! What does contrast offer?
It offers us an opportunity to step back, observe, and make a decision as to what FEELS better. What FEELS better to me is the ability to laugh at the unexpected little things that come my way. (Like the iPhone iDive)
Let me be clear in that I am not saying that we laugh at tragic events or giggle at a person's hardship. I am saying that, when offered circumstances in our individual awareness that offer us a place to choose our attitude, we can collect into our memory banks the "feeling" associated with our chosen reaction. Once placed into the bank, we can then choose which is best the next time we have an opportunity for reaction. THIS IS CALLED PRACTICE!!!!!
Back to my original thoughts, my "blame" for not accomplishing my full 20 minutes of writing and meditating yesterday (I did create 2 new cards) began with the grumpies due to wet phone syndrome, followed by "needy" children, pets and then more procrastination later in the afternoon. By the time evening rolled around and I opened my journal, my pen was sliding off the page and the legible words were forming sentences of gibberish because I was nodding off. Maybe dreaming counts as meditation, but that's not quite what I meant in my "I AM" statement.
This morning, I re-committed. TODAY, I AM easily completing my "I AM's"! And the rush began.... quiet time for meditation? (not yet)
My internal OCV (Obsessive/Compulsive Voice) began to shout:
("by the way, your phone still isn't working," it chided.)
"Good luck with your I AM statements!" (also loaded with sarcasm....Thanks, OCV!)
So, I dove into the car with my dry cleaning, feeling a bit rushed and frustrated that I would be shifting my expectations once again. I turned on the radio and the CD in the player began to sing to me in the sounds of the amazing Ricky Byars Beckwith:
"I AM the Radiant Light of God,
I shine the Light of Love.
When I stumble, I live
by the Light of my Faith,
Shining both night and day.
I AM the Radiant Light of God
I shine the Light of Joy......"
(The song is "Radiant Light" from her Album "The Love Project")
And how true it is! We ARE the Radiant Light of God, "actualized" in our full potential at a given moment or not, we ARE the Radiant Light! Sometimes we dim our own light by "cramming" too much into one space, but mostly, it is our doubts and our needless worry that dims our light.
Thank you, Rickie. As always, you have brought joy and insight to my awareness!
I returned from the dry cleaner and realized that I hadn't had breakfast. I made a shake ( me for info if interested in a health shift), and I sat down with the computer to fulfill my writing Promise. I AM Lovingly, Graciously and Joyfully writing for 20 minutes today! (Actually, it was more like 40 and NO, that does not count double for tomorrow!)
Love and Blessings everyone!
(I'd love to read your comments....helps me to know if I'm on track with what I'm offering!)
I really enjoyed this. You have to laugh about how delicately we handle our phone! I know my life would not cease to exist without it, however, I don't want to temp fate!!! Ha Ha
Life certainly keeps going, but there is something to be said for convenience. ;-)
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