Sunday, September 02, 2012

The Current "Climate" AND AAAs (Soul Side Assistance)

I had big plans and many words written here on this very page.  Big plans to finally create the "masterpiece" that I promised back in April - the "SOUL SIDE ASSISTANCE" (loud booming voice) aka "AAA(s)", which stands for "Awareness; Allowing; Actualization (of self).  I was going to tell you about this guy named Abraham Maslow who created this theory called the Hierarchy of Needs (which states (in essence) that when all basic needs are fulfilled, a human can then reach their full potential and become "self-actualized", aka, all that they can be.)  As written, this is a nearly insurmountable task.  I was going to go into detail about Maslow's Theory, tell you about the research that I did from old college textbooks, tell you about the amazing Spiritual events that I have attended (i.e. Revelation at Agape International Spiritual Center during which I got to listen to a talk by Jean Houston who is amazing and actually knew Abraham Maslow; and a Soul Sisters Retreat, also at Agape - talk about Women of Power - WOW!);  I was going to mention the political climate of the day and touch on the "plight of women" as our personal rights seem to be in question once again.  I was planning to go into some detail on all of this (and had written much of it) when one of my little dears came to tell me that dinner was ready.
I closed the computer and went downstairs to enjoy a tasty dinner, after which I graciously went to the kitchen to do the dishes.  While doing preparing to do the dishes, I checked in on the social network to see what important news I had missed in the last ten minutes. (Not much)  I came upon a lovely video that I wanted to watch - Abraham-Hicks, "Be Happy".  I propped the phone on the window sill and scrubbed and watched.  Down came the gals from their bath.  With everyone talking at once, there was no way to hear the video.  I, in my haste to finish the dishes so that I could get back upstairs to finish this post, quickly ushered everyone out of the kitchen, dried my hands, reached for my phone to back up the video and promptly dropped it right into the dish water where it slid as far away from my hands as possible. (I had no idea that iPhones were such good swimmers!)  I scrambled to grab it and rushed it to the EHD (Emergency Hair Dryer) where my lovely wife waved the whirring dryer as best she could.  The phone is now sitting on the counter in a bowl of rice, sim card airing out on top.  Fingers Crossed.

I say all of that in lieu of what I was going to write because in keeping with the theme of "Actualization of Self", I think I have actually actualized past the point of the previous post.  Why?  Because I laughed when the phone fell in the water.  Why?  Because of the irony!  I was hastily and gruffly telling the kids to pipe down and get moving so that I could watch a "Be Happy" video while I quickly did the dishes so that I could rush upstairs to finish a Blog post (which I do NOT get paid to do - though I will happily accept donations - just sayin') about Soul Side Assistance, Awareness, Allowing, and Actualization.
Oh, how I do love the Universe and the silly little tricks that come along.

What happened was, the kersplash of the phone snapped my back to reality.  It brought me to a keen sense of Awareness of the present moment.  There was nothing I could do but Allow the moment to transpire.  The phone was in the water, I grabbed it, had it blown dry, plunked into a bowl of rice and now am continuing to Allow electronic nature to take its course.  (again, fingers crossed).  In those very moments, I was all that I could possibly be - no more, no less.  In those moments, I requested some Soul Side Assistance, it arrived with its gifts, and, having all of my other basic needs fulfilled, I became fully Actualized in that moment.
I keep saying in "that moment" because that is truly all that we can ever do.  Maslow's theory seems to indicate that once someone reaches the state of Self Actualization, they are there to stay.  At the same time, his theory indicates that getting to that point is nearly impossible.  But, if we break it down moment by moment, we afford ourselves much more opportunity to fully reach our Divine potential.  Each day there are a multitude of opportunities for us to be wake up, Allow the fullness of life to enter into our Awareness, and fully Actualize into that very moment.

Before I leave you to your own Actualization, I would like to share this:

I was in the shower the other day after having read a few posts on our beloved social network of Facebook that were controversial and divisive to say the least.  (I was showering because it was morning and that's what I do, not because I felt dirty from reading the posts.  Hey, with some of the stuff out there, the latter is certainly possible!)  As the water trickled over me, I suddenly felt a wave of sadness wash over as well.   The negativity was weighing so heavily at the moment that I threw the question out to the Universe (i.e. Angel Guides, Spirit Guides, Higher Self, etc): "What is the purpose of all of the negativity and what can I, one person, do to assist to bring in some light?"

In the blink of an eye (or the drip of a droplet), this is what came to me:

"Contrast.  We need it to see the contrast.  The contrast allows us to choose what we want to focus on.  The negative allows the good to shine that much brighter.  Depending where we are in our path, we may or may not have the awareness to step out of the negative and notice the good that is all around us.  By seeing and experiencing/observing the negative, we have the opportunity to capitalize on and share our Good.  By allowing our individual Light to shine through, we can help others to see their own good and assist each other in sharing our individual and collective gifts with the world."
AWARENESS of the "negative" ALLOWS us to see the contrast.  We are then free to fully ACTUALIZE in the fullness of our Divine Nature to embody and release the GOOD that is still within and all around us.

As we begin to wake up and become AWARE that we are more than THIS, we can then open our hearts to ALLOW the more (the Divine) to flow through us and AS us.  It is then, in that moment that we have ACTUALIZED our full potential.  It may be only for a moment, but the more we practice, the more often those moments will occur.
(and not always at the expense of an electronic gadget)

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