Thursday, November 02, 2006

H*ll no, we won't go....H*ll no, we won't go.....H*ll no..

(Jeninius, this one's for you)

Has anyone else been having issues with things just not getting done as quickly or easily as they once did? Things like the laundry or dishes. Perhaps there is an excessive amount of dust around the house, and you (or the responsible party) just can’t seem to get rid of it. Does your house seem to be in a constant state of disarray - inside and/or out? Like us, is the clutter overwhelming? How about those leaves? Where do they all come from? Are the trees really that big? They just don’t rake themselves, do they? Does anyone else feel stress over these things?
Well, everyone will be happy to know that I have found the reason for this stressful “mess”. (Notice I didn’t say that I’ve found a solution)
I was commiserating with a friend this evening about the many tasks and little time available to complete them when it came to me. There is a strange phenomenon occurring right now. I’d like to say that this is the first time that it has ever occurred, but I doubt that. I think it has happened many, many times before now, and will likely happen many more times. What is this strange phenomenon, you ask?
The FAIRIES have gone on strike! Yes, Fairies!
You know, like the “laundry fairy” (not to be confused with the “sock monster” - that one is still working, as my miss-matched socks will attest), the “dust fairy”, the “landscape fairy”, the “pooper-scooper fairy”, and many others.
I really am surprised that I didn’t figure this out sooner. All this time, my partner and I thought that we just were not using our time wisely. How WRONG we have been! It’s not that there are not enough hours in the day. The problem is that the FAIRIES ARE ON STRIKE! I know this because I can hear them getting their little signs and things ready at night. For the longest time, I thought that we had a mouse in the house. I thought that it must be a smart mouse, because it just would not get into the trap. (A humane trap, of course.) Well, as it turns out, it’s not a mouse at all, but rather a gathering of striking fairies.
This revelation makes me feel much better about the state of our house and our abilities as “housekeepers”. I’ll admit, I was starting to feel quite a bit of stress about my own lack of competence, thinking that I just do not know how to budget my time. Then I realized, it’s NOT my fault! It’s NOT “Lady M’s” fault! We are doing the best that we can, given the circumstances. If the fairies won’t work, there is not much that we can do but sit back and wait. Oh, we’ll do our best to keep things in order until the little buggers return to work. I mean, we don’t want them to be overwhelmed as soon as they get back. But, the point is, we will no longer feel inadequate. We can’t possibly be as efficient as a magical little fairy, so why try to live up to it!
So, for anyone else who has been feeling a bit behind on the “chores” lately, don’t fret! It is NOT YOUR FAULT!
If anyone reading this has any ideas for bargaining tools to end the fairy strike, please let me know.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps the fairies have all come to our neighborhood. If so, their job here is to move all leaves from the surrounding neighbor's yards,(the yards that have the trees), and move each and every leaf to our yard (the yard without the trees). Anyway, I think that is what the 'duck' thinks! So your fairies probably aren't on strike - they are just busy elsewhere.

SL Massingill said...

J, that underwear garden sounds beautiful! And maintenance free!

Ciar, how did you get them to come back??